Folly Like Fine Wine
Joash was one of those kings who began well and ended poorly. He served God for most of his days, but turned away...
What makes righteous judgement righteous?
Jesus said, “My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek my own will but the will of the Father who sent...
Freedom and the Easy Yoke.
Working my way through Matthew, I recently preached on Jesus and the Law. One of the points I made there is that we...
Love, the Measure of All Things Part 1
1Cor 12.31 – 13.3 FaithWorking Radio Show and Podcast...
What is “Reformed”? Part 2.
A conversation with Dr. Casey Christopher and Pastor Alan Burrow
Feeling sorry for ourselves feels so good. That’s why we love it. But like the boy who loved to wet his pants because...
What is “Reformed”?
What is “Reformed”? Part 1 A conversation with Dr. Casey Christopher and Pastor Alan...
A man may quite reasonably regard himself as a jolly good fellow. He may at the same time quite consistently regard...
Hallelujah Chorus – Part 2
Advent Through the Lens of Four Christmas Songs Hallelujah Chorus Part 2 Revelation 11.15 – 12.11...
Hallelujah Chorus
Advent Through the Lens of Four Christmas Songs Hallelujah Chorus Part 1 Revelation 11.15 – 12.11 Introduction....