Understanding the Christian view of marriage
From the Christian perspective, human marriage and sexuality are bound up with man, male and female, being made in...
ShortTakes – Jesus the New Adam
ShortTakes – Jesus the New Adam...
What is Calvinism really about?
I recently began reading for the first time (shame!) Abraham Kuyper’s classic Lectures on Calvinism which he gave at...
Love: The Point of 1Corinthians.
This is the second in a series on Christian love. You can read the first post here: The Endless Quest for Love. Love...
What is the biblical purpose of the church?
I have been giving a fair amount of thought recently to the question of how to express in a single sentence the...
Recovering Christ’s Ascension
Thursday is Ascension Day, and Sunday is Ascension Sunday. Most evangelical churches will do little to commemorate...
Why shouldn’t gays have equal opportunity to...
I am reposting this article in light of the Supreme Court’s striking down of the Defense of Marriage Act in...
“Trajectory: Easter Tunnel”
My daughter, Gwen, celebrates in this poem a wonderful but often unrecognized truth about Easter: resurrection is not...
The Endless Quest for Love
If there is anything the world is convinced of, it is that happiness depends on loving and being loved. If there is...