Without education we are in danger of taking educa...
Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously. The latest fads of...
posted on: Aug 20, 2010 | author: Alan Burrow
No truth, but still confident.
It is the great paradox of the modern world that at the very time when the world decided that people should not be...
posted on: Aug 17, 2010 | author: Alan Burrow
One thing never taught in public schools
The one thing that is never taught by any chance in the atmosphere of public schools is this: that there is a whole...
posted on: Aug 14, 2010 | author: Alan Burrow
Enduring truths and passing errors
Teach, to the young, men’s enduring truths, and let the learned amuse themselves with their passing errors....
posted on: Aug 13, 2010 | author: Alan Burrow