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What Are You Giving Your Life To? (Mat 6.19-23)

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Matthew Sermon 23 – What Are You Giving Your Life To? (Mat 6.19-23)

Podcast intro

According to financial experts, most people don’t invest. But according to Jesus, everyone invests. They may not invest money, but everyone invests their life in something. That something will always be whatever they believe holds forth the best promise for meaning, happiness, and fulfillment. And their passion will follow their investment. That’s where their focus will be. That’s what they will serve. And that’s what will shape them and their life. While the different ways to invest one’s life in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment would seem to be endless, Jesus tells us that they all fall into two categories. Either we are investing our lives in keeping with the values, loves, and loyalties of this fallen world, or we are investing our lives in keeping with the values, loves, and loyalties of the kingdom of heaven, which through Christ has broken into this fallen world and is destined to transform it. Every investment is measured by two qualities – security and rate of return. Jesus assures us that, no matter what the appearances may be at any given time and place, investing our lives according to the values, loves, and loyalties of the kingdom of heaven is hands down the best investment one can ever make. I hope you enjoy the sermon. Thanks for listening. –Alan Burrow

Discussion questions

1. Jesus says, “No one can serve two masters . . . .  You cannot serve God and Mammon.” (Mat 6.24.) In the sermon, Pastor Burrow pointed out that Mammon is transliterated from the Chaldean language, where it was the name of the Syrian god of riches.  Its root means “that which is trusted in.” So we are talking about idolatry and not wealth per se. Still, out of all the idols that people serve, why do you think Jesus singled out Mammon? Do you think the god of Mammon is alive and well in our society? Francis Schaeffer said back in the 1970s that “personal peace and affluence” was the biggest god in our culture. Do you agree? What evidence can you point to either to support or refute Schaeffer’s charge?

2. Read Colossians 2.18, 20-23. Can we avoid Mammon or other idols by taking a vow of poverty or pursuing an ascetic life? Why or why not?

3. Is it possible for a poor person to be an idolater who trusts in Mammon and for a rich person to worship and trust in the one true God? If so, what would be the symptoms that would show up in their lives?

4. If we, whether rich, poor, or in the middle, are trusting in the one true God and not in the false god of Mammon, how will that show up in our lives?

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