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Prayer for Lord’s Day worship

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We praise you, O LORD; we will sing praises to you all the days of our life.  We do not trust in princes, nor in the sons of men, in whom there is no help.  But we trust in you.  Happy are all those who do.  For you made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; and you keep faith forever.  You execute judgment for those who are oppressed for righteousness sake.  You give food to the hungry, and freedom to the prisoners.  You open the eyes of the blind, and raise those who are bowed down.  You love the righteous.  You watch over the stranger; you relieve the fatherless and the widow; but the way of the wicked you turn upside down.  You, O LORD, shall reign forever and ever, and we worship you this day, together with the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who live and reign with you above, world without end.  Amen.

(Based on Psalm 146.)

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