Marriage Booster
Husbands, Love Your Wives
Part 3
Ephesians 5.25-32
Washing with the Water of the Word
As Christ washes his Bride in the Word, so husbands are to wash their wives in the Word (Eph 5.25-26). This is an indispensable means of nourishing and cherishing. A husband must lead his family in the Word regularly. The Word is food, and eating every once in a while is not nourishment. He should establish and conduct regular family devotions. Just 15 minutes on a regularly basis would be a vast improvement in most homes. It is also especially beneficial to have little time of regular prayer with just you and your wife.
Washing with the Word also contemplates “letting the Word richly dwell within you” (Col 3.16). Teaching is but one manifestation of a certain kind of man – a worshipping man, a thankful man, a spiritual man, a man of faith, a man of love, a man like Christ. That man will nourish and cherish – he will give health and warmth to his wife and family.
Closing Exhortation
Men are born with the desire to be a hero. Tragically, most men miss the opportunities God sets right in front of them. Very few men will ever have the opportunity to be a military hero or to save someone’s life. But all husbands have the opportunity, indeed the calling, to be a “savior” echoing Christ to his wife and children. Such a man becomes a means whereby his wife and children are nourished, cherished, holy and glorious. A man who rises to that opportunity is far more heroic and has far more lasting impact on the world than a mere military hero.