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Lord’s Day Prayer

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Great God and Father, let our prayer be set before You as incense, The lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice.  You are our refuge and our portion in the land of the living.  We remember the days of old; we meditate on all Your works.  We remember Your works in creation, and in the great flood.  We remember Your works in the Exodus, and in the Great Exodus when You conquered sin and death through your Son.  You are our rock and refuge; You are the strength of our salvation.   Cause us to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do we trust; Cause us to know the way in which we should walk, For we lift up our souls to You, together with the Son and the Spirit, who live and reign with you above, world without end.  Amen.

Based on Ps 140.7; 141.2, 8; 142.5; 143.1, 5-6, 8.

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